A website for the sale and purchase of pre-owned student accessories for engineering students. The website is developed using nodejs as backend with expressjs as the backend framework. Pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript is used for frondend design. The database used for the project is PostgreSQL. The website allows a user to sell and purchase a study accessory for their requirement.


It is the front design of the home page of an educational website. The languages used are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. A lot of libraries are also used to implement a lot of attrative features. The project was made as part of a project submission task on front end development.

Pomodoro App

Pomodoro App is used to set timer. Initially the time is set as 25 minutes 00 seconds. The timer will generate sounds on start and end. Also a redo button is provided along with the play button. After 25 minutes(Specified time) a pop up window will block the timer. On clicking the redo button we can use Pomodoro again.

Jokes App

React App made to fetch Chuck Norris JokesπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ using axios.
The website also provides a toggle button to switch between light and dark themes.


A website made for the competition MaceQuest organized as part of Takshak'20. The website is used to test the knowledge of the partcipants and score them based on their speed. Each question has 4 options and wrong choice will give a penalty of 10 seconds to their timer. For testing purpose use email:


A covid-19 awareness website made to make people aware of the current situation along with precautions to be taken. The website is purely made of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The website is also integrated with a covid-19 statistics API which returns the current number of covid-19 cases across the entire world. Along with country wise stats. The API also returns total cases , deaths ,recovered case etc. A search box is provided so that the user can find the stats of any country of their choosing.